Palavas les flots is a resort situated between the sea and the lagoons at twelve kilometers from Montpellier. see Gallery
The conference will be held in Palais des congrés see website
Montpellier -> Palavas by bus
There is a bus line (131) from Montpellier to Palavas. It starts from "Garcia Lorca” stop of Tram line 4 (see the map) More information:
Palavas by car
"Crazy: two highways parallel around Montpellier " A75 motorway from Paris and the centre of France
A9 motorway from Lyon Exit 30 « Montpellier Sud »
Autoroutes informations :
Palavas By Plane
Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport is 10 kilometres away.
Daily flights from Paris, Amsterdam on Air France. - Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport:
Palavas by Rail "Crazy: there are two TGV stations in Montpellier" Daily services to and from all major cities, in particular the TGV high-speed train which arrives in Montpellier.
Montpellier railway station, 10 km from Palavas-les-Flots
Line 4 of the tram to the “Garcia Lorca” stop and Bus n°131 Hérault Transport to Palavas.